
Kyckling Shawarmarulle

Serveras med vitlöksdressing och pommes

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Espresso and a milk foam mixture

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Crispy Chicken Wrap

A shot of espresso, whipped cream

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Flat White

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Kyckling Shawarmarulle

A shot of espresso, whipped cream

135 :-

Flat White

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Kycklingg Shawarmawrap

A shot of espresso, whipped cream

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Flat White

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Iced Lattè

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Vrålet Special

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Iced Lattè

Espresso and lightly frosted milk

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Irish Coffe

Classic coffee with Irish whiskey

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Lattè Machiatto

Like a traditional caffè latte

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